I don’t want to be left behind

I don’t have any running buddies in my area

I want a bit of a social scene
We’ve got you!
Our Run Club is inclusive of all levels, you will make some amazing connections with women in your local area and we never leave anyone behind
Join a supportive community of women who are all in the same boat

BOTR is by far my most rewarding investment in the past 12 months. I now have a running community of support that I cherish, I’ve smashed all my running goals for the year and for the first year since I started to try to run 15 years ago, I have been able to run consistently without injury. Looking ahead I’m excited about the BOTR trail series commencing in October, and I’m setting new goals in consultation with my attentive, kind and encouraging BOTR coaches.
Michelle Mancy

How does it work?
Designed by our qualified Run Leaders for runners of all paces and abailities, we work with you to achieve your own long-term running goals and milestones.
We’ll give you the in-depth advice, info and techniques you need, and cheer you on to help you stay motivated, we also never leave anyone behind.
As with all our other programs – there’s plenty of extra goodies too!
Book your class now
Join our 10 week program to get you running from nothing to 30 minutes continuously at a chatty pace for only $35 per week.
Download our app
Get started and download our app to plan, schedule and purchase your classes.
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