Our programs are transformational. With positive impacts to mind, body and spirit for our runners.

We create a community for women who are reclaiming space for themselves. Carving out me-time so they can go from I’m looking after everyone else to I’m looking after me.
Our women runners are inspirational.
Before they start we often see a lack of belief in themselves, the old I can’t do this attitude. But, step by step, as they feel supported and encouraged they realise they can do it and their confidence sky-rockets.
By the end of the first program they are able to run continuously for 30 minutes and they feel amazing. There’s no pressure to be the fastest or the fittest as we all finish together.
I am so thankful to BOTR for helping me to get running and active again. I have been wanting to get back into running for years but having been away from the game and putting on about 20kg, I was lacking motivation and belief. With BOTR, you truly can go from zero to running 30 minutes non-stop in just two months. Offering friendly and knowledgeable run coaches, practical weekly tips, a feasible and safe weekly running program, all coupled with an incredibly supportive environment and great bunch of like-minded ladies to run with. I am now running my way to better health, loving life and having fun. Thanks Mel and everyone at BOTR!
But it’s not the end of their journey. It’s the beginning. Running becomes a non-negotiable date in their diary. Something to look forward to and cherished.
Our runners love the social aspect of our programs as it’s helping them overcome loneliness. They encourage each other on runs, through our closed Facebook groups and during the post-run debrief sessions often held at local cafes.
Their bodies are supported too. With access to discounted services for Physios, Chiros, Nutritionists and Sports Shoes and apparel.
We start to see changes flowing into their life. Our runners start to sleep better, eat better and show their kids how to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Families are getting closer and relationships get seem to get back that spark.
Boobs on the Run started 8 years ago
I started Boobs on the Run because I wanted to help women feel good about themselves, get healthy and have fun while doing it.
Our women only programs nurture, support and guide women to become runners. Our focus is all about participating, not competing. It doesn’t matter how fast you go, it’s about turning up, being active and committing to a better lifestyle. Women love our programs because it’s about time, not speed.
Our 10-week programs include:
Get Running – for beginners
Stay Running – for intermediates
Keep Running – our weekly running club to continue your running journey.
We’re still growing
We’ve worked hard to build up our reputation and this has seen us expanding our footprint in more suburbs across Sydney (we’re up to 12).
Our Run Leaders are all accredited by Athletics Australia and affiliated with NSW Athletics, but it’s their passion for running and compassionate nature that is winning runners over.
Our team
Who We Are

Megan Paton
I hated running as a teenager. I started the couch to 5k program with some friends after having my children and it went from there. Can’t see running not in my life now.

Vicki Jeffreys
There’s so much to love about running – you can do it solo or with a group.

Mel Andrews
Running is something that I just did for a bit of exercise and over time it becomes a little addictive.

Vickiann Hewitt
I wanted to run for about 5 years but never thought I could. So I joined BotR. The rest, as they say, is history……